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It is a vitalizing, virilizing and aphrodisiac product, recommended for sterility, impotence, increasing the vitality of the body as well as for normalizing the secretory activity of the sexual glands in both men and women.
The name "Romanian ginseng" probably suits it better than any other plant in the Romanian flora.
The root and seeds of the bear branch quickly invigorate and rejuvenate the body, increase the capacity for effort and mental tone, eliminate sterility, impotence and frigidity.
Tablets from the bear's branch are also an indicated remedy for the third age, because they save it from the unpleasantness of premature physical decline, restoring tone and zest for life.
- good digestive antispasmodic, strong uterine antispasmodic (with fast action), medium general sedative, medium carminative;
- strong hypotensive, strong aphrodisiac, regulator of nervous activity, strong stimulant of gonad activity, good stimulant of non-specific local immunity;
(renal and genital level), strong general tonic, good digestive tonic, strong genital vasodilator, - - - strong peripheral vasodilator, medium-weak vermifuge;
- good antihysteric (seeds), antiblenorrhagic (seeds).

Administration method:
- male and female sterility: 6 tablets per day.
In courses of at least 3 months.
- hormonal and vascular impotence:
3-6 tablets per day.
- annexed, metro annexed:
3-6 tablets per day, in courses of 21 days with a 10-day break.
- amenorrhea, female sterility: 6 tablets per day,
in courses of 3-6 months.
- frigidity:
2 tablets in a single dose, taken 15 minutes before the love act.
- premature menopause:
3-6 tablets per day, in courses of 21 days, with a 7-day break.

The same treatment is also indicated in cases of premature aging, in states of fatigue and exhaustion due to excessive physical and intellectual effort.
- difficult digestion, frequent bloating accompanied by colic, kidney failure: 3-6 tablets per day.
- hypertension, poor peripheral circulation (cold hands and feet): 3-6 tablets per day.

The treatment with bear branch is generally maintained for at least 1 month, and for chronic conditions at least 3 months.
In the case of premature menopause, treatments with bear's branch work wonders.
The effects will appear after only one month of treatment.
To increase its therapeutic efficiency, this plant can be administered together with dill seed tincture.
It should be mentioned that the treatment with the bear's branch is greatly enhanced by a vegetarian diet with many raw materials.
Unlike other aphrodisiac drugs, bear's branch is also recommended for those with high blood pressure, because it is an excellent hypotensive agent.
It is a unique remedy in our flora, both by its power and by the complexity of its action.
However, its power being very high, it is good to know the precautions you must take into account when using it (precautions you will find below).
As a female aphrodisiac, bear branch is ideal, acting simultaneously on several "fronts": it stimulates the activity of the ovaries, favors the relaxation of the vaginal and uterine muscles through its antispastic effect, it has an effect of reducing anxiety at the same time as increasing desire

Overdose of this remedy produces allergic type reactions, peripheral vasodilatation and hypotension. Some manifested or latent prostate problems can be activated by this plant. In the case of embarrassment when urinating or inflammation of the prostate, the treatment with this plant will be interrupted and a cure with herbs for the prostate (especially sedum and thorn in particular) will be carried out, after which the administration of the bear's branch tincture can be resumed. In case of hypotension, this plant will be administered together with marjoram tincture (Majorana hortensis), which has a compensatory role for this deficiency.

The plant is contraindicated for pregnant women.

Presentation: 60 tablets

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